How am I supposed to get pregnant like this?! 😭😭

Megan • Married to my best friend 💍, mama to 🐶🐶🐶🐱👼👼👼

I have a doctors appoint on the 18th to discuss this but I'm going freaking crazy. I miscarried August 20th. First time getting pregnant in our 2 years of trying so everything is new. I got my first cycle back November 23rd. It lasted damn near a month. A short time went by and had a small quick period. Now same thing yesterday and today although they have been super light pink almost as if it were implantation bleeding. I've called my dr and she said that we need to just keep trying even if I'm on my period because I'll never be able to really pin point my ovulation. Her and I both agreed I will not be doing opk testing and such because it stresses me out way too much and makes it even harder for me to get pregnant. Anyone else have irregular cycles and get pregnant??? Help a girl out if you can! 😭😭😭😭😭