My babe

My babe I love him more than anything. We’ve been together for 2+yrs and i couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. He does the right things and I show appreciation to it. I used to party a lot at the beginning of our relationship and it put a huge gap in it so I cooled down. Fast forward to last August I got in a really bad car accident at my friends wedding I had a little to much to drink in a long time and my boyfriend was sober and driving and I started puking on my vomit and he turned to turn me over and we went off the road and we started flipping. I was trapped halfway under the car and the other half still in the car and was flown out. Since then I quit the drinking scene for good. I lost so many friends because of it and all I really have is family now... since the wreck my boyfriend has grown distant. We live together now in a house we built together but all he wants to do is stay in town and hang with his friends. He doesn’t call or message me when he’s gone. Leaving me home alone in the country. He turned 21 in December and I might’ve quit but he didn’t. He lies and he has never cheated but what am I supposed to believe,Idk things have changed. What can I do to fix it?