What should I do? Help!


The other day I went to the bar with my workers after work. Had alil much to drink and left the bar to go home. My one coworker didn’t know I left and wanted to make sure everything was ok and that I got home safe. We FaceTimed but before that I got out of bed and threw a jacket on over my sports bra and underwear so I would be covered to talk to him. He asked if I was ok, if I made it home, and we got caught up talking about work. My boyfriend then woke up and said that it looked bad which I can now see how that looked bad. I showed him the phone and dude said hi and so did my boyfriend to one another. This dude is happily married, has 4 kinds and could be old enough to be my dad. My boyfriend said he wasn’t mad but I could clearly tell he was. So he went to work and we didn’t really talk about it and then I had to go to work because we work opposite schedules. He sent me a message that he was going to stay at his parents for awhile to think about things. And literally didn’t text me after that. So I figured he needed his space which is what I give him.

So he leaves, I cry for a couple days. I found out that he is thinking I cheated. I know it looked bad but my coworker just wanted to make sure I was ok and everything, I should have covered more but nothing was showing. Now he is going around talking to his friends and what not and they are putting in his head that he should break up with me.

I don’t know what I should do😭 we’ve been together for four years, we almost had a child but I miscarried, we are looking to get a house together literally next week. I wouldn’t throw all of that away. I thought it was harmless and I tried to cover up but if I was in a bathing suit it would have been ok even tho my coworker dosent even know. He has trust issues because of a relationship 5 years ago but I am not that person and he clearly never had trust in me to know that I wouldn’t do anything like that. I’m against cheating, been cheated on before. PLEASE HELP