Hospital stay


So I know I'm having a csection. Last time due to complications, I had to stay an extra couple days due to blood loss and couldnt get out of bed onto my feet until I was off the blood transfusions. Obviously my husband stayed with me the whole time and basically took care of our baby, bringing her to me and what not. Now, we have a 2 yr old and my parents live close by, so we planned on her staying there for the few days I'm in the hospital. But now im so apprehensive about it. My mom way over steps (basically "accidentally " calling herself mom to my daughter), doesnt follow any of our rules, tells me all the time she knows her better than I do (spending only a few hours, if that, with her a week). Shes stuck in the past of how things are done. I even had to literally take the carseat away from her bc she was insisting an infant seat was fine. Again, shes 2. She needed a bigger car seat. But anyway, what do you all do when you have other kids at home and nobody to care for them? I told my husband to stay home with her, but obviously he wants to be there for me and our son too. Especially since the nurses last time werent really so helpful. I had to call them several times when I actually needed real help. So that weighs on me. Hoping everything goes smoothly and I can get on my feet right away this time, but seriously what do u do? Or what would u do?