Change of heart


Wanted to share as an encouragement to those who have been struggling with TTC and the unknown timeline.

We’ve been TTC for 5 months, which I realized isn’t that long by average standards. But I’m a planner and really have a hard time not knowing when this will happen for us. I’ve been praying for one thing - a baby. That’s all I want. This journey has been so much harder on me and my husband than I ever anticipated. The stress and agony that comes with it all - temping, tracking symptoms, timing, the dreaded TWW.

But last week I had a change of heart. When AF came, I had my 15 minute pity party, then went about my day as usual. But instead of dreading the next month, becoming depressed and withdrawing from society until I could pick myself back up and try to become normal again for another few weeks, I realized after a fews days that I wasn’t even concerned.

It was like the Lord lifted a burden off my shoulders. It was like He was telling me “you don’t have to carry this weight, I already have this worked out for you.” And as much as I still don’t like not knowing the timeline, He has lifted my worry and I truly feel at peace about this. If it takes a year, that’s His plan. If something drastic changes, that’s His plan.

I pray this over each of you and hope God reveals this peace to you. Hang in there ladies, I know it’s hard! But we have God on our side and with Him nothing is impossible!