Help ! My LO has colic😢


I need all the advice i can get for my LO. She has had the WORSE gas her whole 10wks of life and today we went to the ER because the last week she has been uncontrollably crying from 8pm-10pm constantly and consistantly ! I feel terrible for her and i have done everything to try and help. The DR perscribed her some acid reflux meds today to help with her spitting up, and her pediatrician suggested probiotics which seemed to work until now. We tried gripe water we tried gas drops we do baths bicycles and tummy there ANY other advice that has helped tour LO survive 4mos of being colic? Ill try it all...

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My LOs did this for about the first month home. We bottle feed with breastmilk. Supposedly Dr. Brown bottles are better at keeping out air bubbles. Definetely have to burp a baby a bunch during feeds. One of mine also has reflux pretty bad. We give him medicine and hold him at an incline for a while after feeds. We used gripe water and sometimes Windies worked to relieve gas. It's just that their little tummies still have to mature. My babies did a turn around once I started taking a probiotic and changing my diet to less acidic foods.


Siobhan • Feb 15, 2019
Her peds gave her some medecine so she has been much better then before. We got her on a orobiotic and i give her gas drops nothing really seems to help her 100% but they atleast help a little maybe 50% ...her peds also changed her formula to alignmentum which is supossed to be really helpful to babies with reflux because its thicker. I also keep her either upright and ill hold her or her swing and bouncy are both at incline so shes upright alot of the day because i did hear that helps them as well


Audrey • Jan 26, 2019
P.S. she may be trying to sleep through the night. Mine went crazy wanting to feed around 7-11pm. They would act like nothing satisfied them. I just kept feeding until they passed out. Then they started skipping their 2am feed and sleeping through the night.


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Lol I could have written this. My daughter is 1.5 now, I'll tell you that it does end, it gets way easier, and it will just become a distant memory soon enough. We tried gripe water, gas drops(prolly the most helpful),bicycle legs, reflux meds, music, swing,car rides,car seat rocking, etc. Now here is the only things that ever stopped the crying for us. Stand next to a running vacuum with baby in your arms. Bicycle legs and gas dropsPacing the hallway for upwards of 30min (my husband would do this)Baby wear.That's all i will be over soon, I promise! We look back at photos and laugh about it now.


Siobhan • Jan 18, 2019
I will for sure girl thank u so much for ur comments !!!! Being a first time mama is way rougher then i thought


Sh • Jan 18, 2019
Goodluck! Yeah gas drops worked maybe a bit, definitely the vacuum and baby wearing. Update on how things go!


Siobhan • Jan 18, 2019
I cant wait for the day that I getnto laugh !! LOL ! I bought Mylicon gas drops and a baby sling today..ill try the vacuum if she wakes up tonight but def tomorrow when her episodes start again lol i do bicycles alot now something HAS got to work !!


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Stand in the shower, naked baby upright and tummy against you, head on shoulder area. Direct warm shower water on baby’s back. Sadly, it only works until you run out of warm water.


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Nothing helped my daughter until we switched to soy formula.


Noneya • Jan 17, 2019
Hope so !!


Siobhan • Jan 17, 2019
It seems like nothing has helped her yet either but her peds did switch her FINALLY to a soy !! Hoping that helps 🙏🙏🙏


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Probiotics help. Aosp baby chiropractors-