Keeping up with the jones

I have a friend who every time I see her has new designer things. I’m talking $2000 pair of shoes, new $3000+ purse, best of the best car, etc. She is my best friend but I guess it bothers me that she is SO Into that stuff. Almost is intimidating to me, and just sad to me that she feels the need to be so showy all the time. She married a wealthy man who spoils her- she doesn’t work. How can I not let these things get to me? I wish she was a little more humble; but I obviously can’t tell her that. Maybe it’s jealousy , I don’t know. I guess I miss the way she used to be before she got so into all this material stuff.

She doesn’t brag or talk about it, but she is very showy (belt, shoes purse, everything is showcasing a designer and there is always something new every time)... why does this bother me so much ?