Nearly 20 days late.


My period has been nothing to count on, it's been weird my entire life. For a min, I was getting progesterone to make them come every month. After a while they started coming on their own, and was pretty "normal" for a little.. I recently got chronically ill and lost tons of weight quickly.. my period was everywhere but this recent couple months it's been again "pretty normal".. around my birthday (28th of december) till about 5 days ago, my nipples were so tender.. like extremely, as if I was about to get my period, I've been crazy emotional, not because I'm not happy. Because I'm beyond happy. Just everything makes me cry now, like EVERYTHING! Dogs being cute, babies laughing, everything. I had a little blood, on the toilet paper for a day or so.. but nothing after that. Anyone else go through this? Please tell me I'm not alone.