I don’t understand. We can’t do anymore more at this point.

We have been trying for 2 years. We finally started treatment and we knew for sure this month we had EVERYTHING right; an ultrasound on the 31st confirmed I was going to release an egg within a day or 2. I KNOW I ovulated the following morning due to the few hours of cramps and a positive OPK. We made sure to BD that afternoon and we hadn’t the day before, so we managed to do it every other day JUST like we were supposed to. My lab work confirmed all my progesterone levels were great.

But we still didn’t pregnant. And I just don’t understand it. We did everything 100% right, have the help of medicine, and labs/ultrasound to make sure everything is going right. But it didn’t. I can’t pray or hope any harder than I already have. I can’t do anything else to make sure we are doing everything right, bc I am already doing everything my doctor and everyone else has told me. I just don’t understand why it won’t happen?