Who’s wrong? My fiancé walked out.

Last night, my fiancé and I got into our worst fight yet. I’m pregnant and hormonal, and I get paranoid about him always being on his phone.

I was moping and he asked what was wrong, and I told him to ignore me because I was being paranoid and ridiculous. Finally, I told him, and I said I have trust issues.

He flipped out and ended up leaving the house at 10pm because he was hurt that I don’t trust him.

He’s never done anything to lose my trust, but in my last relationship I wasn’t just cheated on, I was manipulated into thinking he was amazing and the love of my life, and it ended up with him choking me, tracking my location, threatening to shoot me with one of 3 guns he kept in the house, and what ended it for me was when we were having sex and he wouldn’t pull out and when he finished he said “Happy Mother’s Day” And went to sleep.

I got pregnant, but from the stress, lack of sleep and food, I miscarried.

I know it sucks to be with someone broken, but I feel like I’m trying to talk things out and he just storms out.


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