What’s going on?? *EDITED*

Ladies, please tell me your husband(s) have acted this way before.

My husband and I just started living together full-time a few weeks ago. (He was deployed the first 9 months of our marriage).

I just recently noticed that he’s been watching porn instead of coming to me for sex.

He then proceeds to tell me that we “need to stop having sex cause we don’t need to chance having a baby”. Ladies, we’ve been having unprotected sex for 2 years and I’ve never gotten pregnant.

The other night when we had sex, he was getting tired quickly and ultimately didn’t finish (cum).

I feel like I’m not good enough for him anymore. Is it me? Is he being distant because of reasons he is hiding from me? TIA 😔


We lived with his mom for 3 weeks when he got home and we had sex like 4-5 times a day.