Hoping to ovulate next month after stopping BC.

I stopped the pill in September. I've been using opks but never got a REAL positive. I ran out yesterday. Today I started having brown discharge. Hoping its the start of a real period. This will be my first on time "normal" period I've had on my own. Off BC. And not taking progesterone. I don't think I've ovulated yet since coming off BC. I'm hoping this is a good sign and my period comes on time and normal. It gives me hope that maybe after this my body will be regulated again and next month I have a real chance of becoming pregnant. TTC #2. Not knowing about what's happening to my body is taking a huge toll on me. I'm not going to use OPK next month. I'm just going to let it be. I think its for the best. Fingers crossed guys 🤞🏼