For those of you who took 5+ months to conceive - did you eventually conceive naturally

Tara • 25 years old. TTC #1 since 7/2018 with my husband of 3 years. ❤️

Just looking for some hope that I’ll eventually conceive naturally...this will be our 7th month TTC (6th w/timing). I’m 25 years old, husband is 26. He’s already gotten a SA which came back fine. I have clockwork 28 day cycles and have never been even one day early or late. I get a positive OPK on CD 14 every month. I’m getting the CD21 progesterone test soon, but I think that’ll come back normal since I get a positive OPK at the same time each month. I’m also getting the CD3 ovarian reserve test next cycle if I don’t conceive, but I’m also hoping that will come back fine given my age and normal cycle. Did anyone else take over 5 or 6 months to conceive and eventually have it happen naturally?

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