Just need to vent!! LONG RANT 😟😫


So a little back history on my situation.. Been currently trying to conceive with my fertility clinic well over 3 years now.. However there has been times we've taken a couple month breaks to save money since we are self pay for EVERYTHING. I've had 3 <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> 2 of which where canceled due to not ovulating from the meds. Been on letrozole, dexamethasone, and up to 150mg clomid. Now this current cycle they put me back on 100 mg clomid knowing it didn't work before and yet again my body is not reacting to it. I'm on my 3rd monitoring visit and once u reach the 4th visit and still dont complete your <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> they cancel but still charge you 400 for the visits!. I keep telling them to put me on the injectables cycle because clearly the pills are not working. But they are so concern about multiples so are reluctant to do so. I feel like if I'm paying for this I should be able to make that decision. I could get blessed with multiples or maybe just 1. But they dont want to take that chance. I'm so frustrated I'm starting to feel like I'm wasting my money now. Trying to decide if I should go elsewhere smh