Another iui or ivf??


Hi! I’m currently waiting for the results of my third <a href="">iui</a>. My first ended in a cp and second was unsuccessful. We have another week until my beta for the third and in the mean time we want a plan for our next cycle if we need it. My insurance covers both procedures so that isn’t the issue. We were told there is nothing wrong with either myself or my husband. Struggling to come to terms with starting <a href="">ivf</a> because it seems so much more extreme. I’ve been lucky not to have any symptoms from Letrozole. We could possibly do <a href="">iui</a> with injections but that doesn’t seem to increase our chances that much and our doctor is hesitant because of the risk of multiples. I would love to hear other people’s experiences with their decision to do another <a href="">iui</a> or move onto <a href="">ivf</a>!