Fingers Crossee

Stephany • Mrs. Walls

Okay, my boyfriend and I have you know the week before January 1st. Then on the 4th I started my period. This time on my period I'd had dizzy spells, I've thrown up a couple times, throughout the day I feel sick and if I go to eat anything I feel sick to my stomach, and I also had really bad heartburn. My aunt and grandma keep making jokes about me being pregnant and my aunt told me I could still be pregnant and have a period. They were making the joke because I was in the kitchen last night eating apples, oranges, marshmallows and chocolate. Then went back for hotdogs and Mac and cheese. I don't normally eat like that y'all.

With my ex we tried 3 years with no luck. I talked to my friend she said it could of been him. Well in my family we have family members who have the same medical issues as me who were told they couldn't get pregnant but ended up getting pregnant anyways.

My friends told me to take a pregnancy test and I'm afraid to because I always get my hopes up just to be saddened with not so great news. What are yalls thoughts.