I’m trying...But not today

I’m a super type A. I’m pregnant which I’m thrilled. But yesterday...the past weekend, just took everything. Lots of issues with work. My husband is tired and stressed. My little one has an ear infection. My oldest has had an attitude ever since school started back. He’s so exhausted he’s started wetting the bed occasionally. I think he’s so tired after school he can’t get up to pee. I’m going to cut out drink after a certain time and we are constantly on him about going to potty. He’s only in PreK but it seems the Christmas break where he napped every day and going back to school has worn him slap out.

I’m not sleeping. The little guy cries in his bed because of the ear ache. My oldest got me up because he was wet at 5. And baby is big and heavy. And kicks my bladder.

I haven’t puked in weeks. But I was sick as a dog this morning. I’m still in my pjs. Well the second set because honest to goodness, I pissed all over myself today. I was mortified. Three babies and I’ve never just not made it to the bathroom.

I fell asleep with my one year old today. Like full on I was out. I didn’t even know my husband came home and got our checkbook. Our taxes are due tomorrow. Y’all, I forgot!

I’ve done nothing. Not the breakfast dishes. Not the laundry. My husband went to get my son from school. I’m supposed to be fixing supper. But the chicken I took out is still rock solid frozen. Because I didn’t take it out soon enough to thaw.

Truthfully, I don’t feel much like cooking. My husband offered to run out after he gets off work and pick up a couple of pizzas and bring them home. He’s a good man. But our money is so tight. And I’m so sick of pizza. It’s not healthy. But right now, hot pizza that I don’t have to cook sounds delicious. Lord knows the boys would be excited. Pizza on a Monday.

I feel like I’m failing as a mommy and a wife. I stay at home with my youngest. My husband works like a dog so we don’t have to put our kids in childcare. I’m supposed to keep it all going.

The weekend took a toll. A lot of things didn’t work. Super stressed at work. I did a lot of crying for stupid reasons. I cleaned and cleaned to no avail. I’m just spent with a lot of plates spinning in the air.

My husband never says a word about the house or anything. He told me to rest. He’d come home and make sure the kids are okay. Baths and bedtime and school uniforms. He even would’ve cooked my recipe if the chicken would’ve thawed. But he works hard. He’s had some rough go at work. He doesn’t need to come home and do my job too.

I’m trying. Usually I’m on top of things. But today. This baby. And this past weekend walking into a stressful week, I feel like someone hit me with a bus.

I’m trying to be a good mommy. But today it means pizza and Elmo on the TV and laundry still sitting on the hall floor. And having my house a wreck.

Hoping tomorrow will be better.