Almost a year later


So I figured now would be a great time to finally post my own birth story now that my son is almost a year old haha!

We had an original due date of February 20th, but as everyone knows, it never goes according to plan.

On February 6th at about 10:30 I went in for my 38 week checkup. I had been about 1 1/2 cm dilated and I think 30% effaced. My DR ended up stripping my membranes. As I was getting ready to leave, he jokingly said:

“I’m on call all day tomorrow so you better have that baby then!”

We shared a laugh and I went on with my day.

I had ended up going up to Castle Rock to drop my boyfriend off at work with his cousin at about 2pm. I didn’t feel super safe to drive as even though they weren’t super bad or painful, I didn’t want to have a contraction while driving.

At about 9pm I told my MIL that since they were picking up, I wanted to go walk around somewhere to see if it would help at all. So from about 9-11pm we walked the aisles of Walmart until I decided that it was time to go home.

Someone had picked up my boyfriend from work in this time frame so he was home when I got home. We made sure the bags were packed and we headed to the hospital around 12/1am.

When we got there I was put into a triage room and told I was only at a 4 1/2. They gave me the option to either walk around for about an hour or go home and wait and I was NOT going home.

So we walked around the hospital for about an hour and these contractions did not feel good at all. But when they checked me again after that hour I was still at a 4 1/2. They gave me one last hour before they were going to send me home.

So another hour passed and they check me, I’m only at a 5 (my hospital tries to wait until you’re at a 6 to be safe, not to mention what time it was). But right before they were about to send me home, my contractions picked up INSANELY. They came in and checked me again and boy did that shit hurt. She told me I was at a 6 and asked if I was planning on an epidural. I immediately said YES! And they wheeled me back to my L&D room.

At the time it was just me and my boyfriend, my MIL and cousin has gone home as it was about 3/4 in the morning. But when I told them I was getting admitted, they woke up and drove down to see me!

I get into my room and the anesthesiologist was already in my room (thank god for that because I was in PAIN). They did the epidural and I was feeling much better after that. I’m not sure how you ladies did it with no drugs because I could NOT do it. I watched my contractions on the monitor and rested as we waited for my baby boy to arrive. (And got this hilarious saying from my boyfriend 🙄)

At about 6:00/6:30 am the current on call DR asked if I wanted her to break my water or let it break on its own with circumstances providing that was good. I asked her to wait as I was pushing for 7 when my DR would arrive. Not even 10-15 minutes after she left my water broke.

7:00 arrives and I’m fully effaced by this point and at about 8/9 cm dilated. My DR comes in and we do a few practice pushes to get everything going and at about 7:00/7:15 I start pushing.

Baby boy ended up being face up and had a big head and ended up getting stuck right at my pelvic bone. My DR gave me one more push before he decided to give an episiotomy (I can’t remember if it was a second or third degree). And the push after he cut me, out came Baby Bentley!!

He was born February 7th at exactly 8:15 in the morning weighing in at 6 pounds 11.9 ounces and being 19 1/4 inch long!

He ended up having a pretty big bruise on his head from being stuck there for so long but it went away within the first few weeks.

And now here’s my baby boy at almost a year old!

He’s the best thing that ever happened to us and we couldn’t be happier!!