
So, this is my first baby. Not anxious about the actual labor part at all. I'm more anxious about being in a hospital in general. I hate hospitals. I dont mind being in like exam rooms and such but Ive had awful experiences being in hospital beds. I have been in the ER twice in the last month and I hate waiting around, im a very impatient person. They gave me regalin which is probably what made me anxious (did anyone else have that experience with regalin). I dont know if its the beeps from other machines, the talking of other doctors walking past my room. Is there a way for me to be asleep pretty much the entire time other than the actual delivery. Will a nurse come and be in there with me every 10 minutes? My husband is useless when it comes to helping me with anxiety. What did they let you do when you were in the delivery room? Did you get to watch TV? I didnt use to have this anxiety with hospital rooms until these most 2 recebt visits. I just hate sitting around and not being able to do anything. it makes the anxiety worse. Help me.