Postpartum anxiety


I've had general anxiety on and off for the past 10-12 years (I'm 34). I've been good and unmedicated for the past 4 years, had an amazing pregnancy and a pretty easy csection recovery. My husband has been understanding and supportive for me and our daughter.

In the beginning I had some baby blues and normal (I think) first time mom anxiety.

As the months when by my anxiety increased and by December I noticed it was getting out of hand. I went to my dr and was prescribed cipralex (lexapro) which I've used before with good results.

I'm 2.5 weeks into it and feeling better! Definitely not back to 100% but feeling hopeful and optimistic that I'm on my way back to "normal".

I'm writing this for all those women suffering... there is help out there, go to your dr and ask for it!!