Quick question


So tonight my mom was on the phone gossiping about me cause of something I didn't do! And she was talking so loud so I could hear her and some of the things she said really hurt my feelings to the point it pissed me off and I left and came to my boyfriend house. So she doesn't have a car..Im always taking her to work. What I want to know is should I make her catch an uber to work or go pick her up? This is NOT the first time she disrespect me in front of my face cause she knows I'm not going to say nothing back cause I really do not like arguing with her but I really have had enough and I really don't want to take her to work in the morning plus I've been doing this for a whole year and she keeps saying she's going to get her own car but a year later here we are! Me still driving her around out of the kindness of my heart but she's ALWAYS so angry and disrespectful to me. I have to hold off on some of my goals just for her! And I'm so sick and tired of it I just want to be able to go and do what I need to do without worrying about stopping what I'm doing to take her places smh. But back to the main question do you all think I should give her a ride in the morning even tho she said some hurtful stuff about me to her friend on the phone or make her catch uber?