Avoiding fiancé’s mom


So my soon to be MIL was talking crap about me to my fiancé while I was in the other room (loud enough for me to hear). After that I haven’t been to her house. I seen her at parties and she completely avoids me and gives me nasty looks. My fiancé spoke to her and she said she knows she shouldn’t have talked crap and approached it in a better way. But since then I went to her house and she gave me the salties look EVER when I smiled and said hi as a walked in. I felt so uncomfortable I almost turned around and left. Idk why she’s acting like this with me when SHES the one who was talking crap about ME. I should be the one mad, giving her dirty looks. My fiancé said to just keep going over her house and it will get better but I don’t want to experience being in that position again. I’ve been wanting to go recently since all his siblings and their wives always get together at her house on the weekends and I miss hanging out with them. I know it will mean a lot to my fiancé if I go. Should I go even though she makes it obvious she doesn’t like me?