Not sure what this is?

BecsNpaul • I`m Becki, husband is Paul, we`ve been TTC for 5 years for our first baby, our boys (cats) are our babies.

I need some help ladies. I had what I thought was the start of my period on Friday, but all it turned out to be was two small blobs of blood, then when I wiped twice it was red and the rest of the time it was brown when I wiped. We’ve been taken ovulation tests, but even the clear lie ones aren’t easy to tell. So I’m not sure when I was even ovulating. Also taken pregnancy test which has come up negative. We had a miscarriage back in June. All my periods since then have last five or six days, either medium or light. Could this be my period too? I did have cramping the same time I had the blobs come out of me. But it wasn’t all the time.