Questions for High Risk doctor


So a little background:

March 3rd 2018, I had my daughter Amelia and she was still born. We knew we wanted to try again for another baby ASAP. But waited a few months for healing and for the doctor to give the go ahead. Fast forward to November, we got our positive! Now I have an appointment on the the 16th and I don't know what to ask. I have to have a scheduled c-section at 36-37 weeks because I had a classical c-section with Amelia. And I'm not allowed to go into all..or I'm at high risk for uterine abruption. The hospital I'm delivering at, doesn't have a NICU but what happens if the baby needs a NICU because his lungs aren't developed properly. I just don't know they questions to ask and I'm afraid that we will get separated if he needs life flighted to another hospital. Any other mommas go through this?