Signs of pregnancy?!

Sarah • Mum to Jett 🖤 and Rae 💛 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

The title sounds like im clutching at straws to be pregnant but I'm actually indifferent about pregnancy at the moment. If it happens, it happens kind of thing!

However, felt I needed to ask and talk to people who aren't my close friends, family or partner so I can keep my suspicions under wraps and would really like someone to let me know what they think!

So here are some dates to help with what is going on (dd/mm/yy):

28/11/18 - day 1 of last period

25/12/18 - sex no protection

29/12/18 - sex no protection

31/12/18 - missed period

15/01/19 - still no period

In the last 15 days I have taken 2 pregnancy tests, both negative, however something seems different.🤔 I keep burping randomly several times a day. This is really unlike me! I will be driving along and just need to burp. I've also had a few pains nearer the start of the year that felt like period pains, and unfortunately experiencing diarrhea (sorry if too much info!).

Now I am a plus size women so this could just be that I have missed a period because of my weight but the burping and pains are causing me to be suspicious.

I've always had irregular periods but I rarely miss one! Also I have IBS so that can possibly be the cause of stomach ache.

I don't want to keep wasting money on pregnancy tests - just want peoples advice of whether you have also experienced this?

I have a 10 month old son so I've gone through pregnancy once before but that was more heartburn and sickness from 6 weeks - 24 weeks 🤮

Thank you for reading! - I know its a long post! 🙈