My Arm workout .

I've noticed some change in my arms, so I thought I'd share the exercises that worked the best for me. These are the only equipment I use.

A 5 pound kettle ball , 2 pound weights and some resistance bands . I got my weights and kettle ball at Target and the resistance bands at Rite Aid everything was pretty affordable.

Using the weights pick at least 5 of these exercises

Wall push ups (okay this one obviously no weights), Arm circles, (forward and backwards also can do without weights)Deltoid raises,Pilates overhead press,Tricep kickbacks ,Shoulder shrugs, Skull crushers & Side extensions .

Resistance band exercises- Lateral raise, Front raise, Tricep extensions & Tricep pull.

I usually do 3 sets of 12 or 15 for each exercise but whatever works for you.

Hopefully these exercises are easy for you to look up like they were for me some can be a little tricky to learn.