30 weeks! 🤗

K • Wife 🧔🏻👩🏻 Mom of 4 amazing boys!! 💙

Had our 30 week appointment today! Didn’t get a growth scan (they’re every 3-4 weeks and since I’m going every 2 weeks i didn’t get one this time) but they did an ultrasound for heart tones! And I got the best news—both babies are head down!! 🙌🏻 I was so nervous about baby B being breech! Also, finally got good face sonos!! Well best we could 😂 I’m measuring 39 weeks 🙈 and babies have definitely dropped. Baby A is already in the birth canal. These boys could be coming sooner than we think!

PS: no the child in the background is not going potty, just hanging out 😂

Our sweet boys 💙👇🏻