Baby dust prayers


It’s been a long 3yr process , my husband is always working due to the fact he works offshore and is only home 2weeks every 2-3 months. There have come times where I give up and just say it’s just not meant for us and the heartache and nights of tears flow. But after great friends and family always giving us encouragement that miracles do happen. After 3 long years of trying trying doctor after doctor treatment after treatment even trying treatments in other countries I still linger on some belief the 2019 might be our year. For the first time in 3 yrs that my husband was able to stay home for just a little over a month and with a miracle my ovulation day is tomorrow and my highest fertile day is today and he leaves tonight may the hard and loud prayers of baby dust be full filled. I’m asking that everyone one on this app pray for my husband and I and send lots of baby dust.