What do I do? PLEASE HELP!!!! 💔

I really need quick advice. We are in a long distance relationship. We are supposed to meet soon (next month) but my boyfriend hasn't got the time to book his flight back yet.

I keep nagging and asking him when he's going back and he gets upset because he said I was being selfish. Yesterday I blocked him everywhere and ignored him for the day. This morning I unblocked him and saw that he said that he was sad I ignored him.

He messaged me saying:

"I'm kind of rehearsing saying goodbye to you. The fact you're ignoring me is indicative of your lack of concern for me. Maybe you aren't the girl I thought? i wish you were"

I tried to call him NUMEROUS times but he would ignore me. I don't know how to get him to answer me. I just wanted to apologize and hope that everything would be fine

What do I do????