I’m really confused

Alicia • 23 • Michigan • taken 💞

My boyfriend hasn’t texted me all day. He usually texts me as soon as he wakes up. And then he texts me when he can. I thought he was still asleep up until 5 or 6 (it’s 9 now) and now I’m just worried. I know some couples don’t talk every day but we do, and it’s not normal for him to do this. My friend said maybe he rushed to work and can’t talk. But he usually texts me when he’s driving (yes I know that isn’t safe but he does it anyway probably when he’s stopped) and sometimes but not all the time he’s able to text me during work, and usually before work he can. It’s just weird. He has his location on and it hasn’t been on all day, meaning he hasn’t been on Snapchat. It’s just weird. I’ve texted him several times. I don’t think he’s cheating but I’ve got bad anxiety and I’m worried. I recently thought maybe he can’t find his phone or it broke. But then I was like he has Skype on his computer, if he lost it couldn’t he text me that on his computer? I just don’t know and I guess I came on here to see what you guys think... I’m not a crazy girlfriend but he’s never done this so I’m confused and worried

Side note: sometimes he sleeps till 2-3 so that’s why I thought he was still asleep but I think he told me he works today but I can’t remember

Update: still hasn’t texted me. His location hasn’t gone active, and Skype says “last seen 2 days ago” so I think he either lost or broke his phone, or deleted Snapchat. I’m really sad. And confused