18 month old finally bsleeps in her bed!

I'm so happy i just want to share some news!. My 18 month old finally sleeps in her own bed, in her own room! She use to sleep with my husband and I in the middle and it was frustrating at times because when we would try to put her in her crib she would scream like a crazy person that we had to get her. It was effecting our relationship that We couldn't cuddle or even have sex in our bed. We'd have to come downstairs to the living room couch and it didnt feel good being pregnant lol. So baby #2 is due next month. I know its a little late but i finally put my foot down because that i wasnt going to have 4 people sleeping in our room. 🤦 I went on amazon and ordered a side rail for her crib and lowered her bed. She has been sleeping well on her own for 5 nights in a row. She does wake up crying and then she falls back to sleep. But let me tell you my life has been sooooooo much better since my husband and i can finally be intiment. 😝 I plan on having the baby in our room for a few months but not in the bed with us anymore. 😄✌🏽