PTSDish feelings

Kaitlyn • I am me, that's all that I can be!

***Warning, discussing multiple miscarriages!

Okay so my pregnancy track track record is basically loss, ten year gap between having sex, loss,term, loss, term, loss... And here we are at present.

With my first term pregnancy (girl) I wasn't sick EVER. It was kind of a dream haha.

With my second term pregnancy (girl again), I had HG and almost DIED twice from dehydration and malnutrition cuz I had a dumbass OB who said I was exaggerating EVERY symptom for attention for the first half of my pregnancy.

With ALL my losses I was violently ill... Until I suddenly wasn't... And then I miscarried.

So here I am, pregnant AGAIN, occasionally nauseous, but not violently ill, only really thrown up once or twice (I'm 6 w 1 d today)...

And I am LOSING MY EVER LOVING MIND. Seriously, I am SO anxious about being NOT sick ENOUGH and equally paranoid about being TOO SICK.

I have CPTSD from multiple traumas in my past. But I am seriously thinking about discussing the complexities of miscarriage related PTSD cuz, y'all... It is SO real! I am a bloody freaking mess!!!!

Who can relate???