
Okay so long story. In October my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex, he didn’t finish in me but being scared of pre-cum I bought plan b two days later. Well November comes around and there was no period all month. Freakin out, I took SEVEN test that all came back negative and also went to go get blood work done. Everything Negative. My period shows up on the 2nd of December and leaves the 6th. A couple weeks later, my boyfriend and I had protected sex with a condom on the 19th of December(he didn’t finish in me) and I checked the condom with water at the end for holes, there was none. Two days later I get a 5 day( still in December) medium flow period. Now this month, my period came 9 days early and it was the most pain I’ve ever been in with a period. The cramps were TERRIBLE. I could hardly move. But this period only lasted for TWO days. Sunday it was a normal flow and Monday Morning it was the HEAVIEST I’ve ever seen it. With it only being two days long and 9 days before my other is due I’m scared I’m pregnant.. can someone give me answers?? I don’t want nor am I ready for a child right now.