Baby daddy problems

Hello everyone I need some advice?

I think my baby’s father is trying to work it out with me but I’m not sure.

We broke up 9 months ago. Due to him cheating. But nope he wasn’t cheating on me with his coworker with other girls. After we broke up he then started dating his coworker 2 weeks dating or screwing her however you wanna put it.

I get it now. Men are stupid.

Anyways he has done so much had this girl disrespect me and he disrespected me in front of her. Made it seem like he just didn’t care about me at all. Even said he didn’t want me he wants to be with her. But behind her back he will try to come see me, tell me he missed me and such. But he will always try to come back but not want to be committed to me. He wouldn’t text me while he’s working or nun. He would never text me back never call me blocked me off of fb , took our pictures down and everything. Of course I was hurt he basically cheated on me and I wanted to try to work it out for our son. But nope simply said I don’t want u anymore because there was another girl. Because he wanted to play and do this with her instead of our family. The girl he has a 6 year old would take them out but not my son.

Fast forward to now. My baby daddy switched. He texts me goodmorning every morning. He will text me all day while he’s at work. He will tell me goodnight and tell me he loves me. He will ask to come over NOT even try to have sex but just to talk to me. He even said he wished he would’ve did things differently. He found out I’m moving by myself with our son today in feb. My very first apartment without him. His response can I get a key. I said no you don’t deserve one and he had the nerve to say he does, and I said give me a reason why should u even have one. His response really I will. Today he told me he wanted to switch jobs. I’m not sure if they broke up or not. Or he’s really wants to try.

When I’m mad at him or don’t feel like talking he will actually call and ask me what’s wrong. He will actually say let’s talk about this, let me know what I did wrong so I can say sorry. My response why do you even care because before he didn’t at all. Before he didn’t care how much I was mad at him or how much I was hurt. I barely text him now. I barely call him. I wait until he texts first. I try to strictly keep it on our son but he will have no interest and just talk and text me like he didn’t hurt me, like he didn’t leave me. Act Like he seriously didn’t say all the stuff he did. I’ve told him plenty of times to just leave me alone. I want to find someone to make me happy. You left me for her now you can have her. He will always detour that conversation. Never talk about that.

Always assume I’m talking shit. I even said you told me you didn’t want me or be with me anymore so leave me alone. His response I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t it. He still has this girl on his Facebook but I’m still blocked. I DONT GET IT. Does he want his family back or NOT.

When haven’t been together for 9 months. He’s been talking to her for just that long. And I was waiting for him NO LIE. I use to beg him to work out his family. I use to beg him to see his son more. He only sees him 4 days out the month. But I stopped and even stopping showing interest. I miss him but I figured I was better without him. I got the single mommy thing packed down lol. But Hes just now trying to be really sweet to me.

But I meet this guy a month ago and I really like him. He’s really sweet. We never even had sex. He always wants to take me out and see me. When he calls my face literally just brightens up. We just been talking. I can tell it’s just not him trying to get in my pants. He wants to meet my son & he wants a relationship with me. This guy is 26.

I need some advice. My baby’s father was my only relationship since 17 I’m now 21. I have never been in a serious relationship with another guy. I don’t know what I’m doing is this a normal feeling??

Should I try to work it back out with my baby’s father or just keep it where it’s at? This other guy should I give him a chance or what??? I’m not having sex with neither of them either. Just my baby daddy is the type he wants you to figure it out. He’s not just gonna come out bluntly saying I wanna work this out...he just wants it to fall in place. Of course I want my family back ...but I want to be happy to ...

I’m also done with my prerequisites and have to move to tampa which is 2 hours away to finish my degree. Ultrasound tech. He’s complaining about that. He’s only gets him every other weekend. So I don’t mind driving down on a Friday staying at my moms till Sunday to get him

Back. I’m moving for a degree not to be nasty. I’ve brought this up to him before we even had our son, he never cared.