Sleep fails

My daughter is almost 9 months. Just when we finally started getting on a good sleep rhythm, it goes to shit again. She’ll barely sleep anywhere but my arms, tonight I couldn’t even get her in her crib; it took nearly 2 hours of trying and I had to give up. I’ve read everything I can, I’ve tried everything I can and I’m failing and getting less and less sleep. I want to hire a sleep coach SO BADLY but hubby says we (I) should be able to do it on my own because it’s pathetic and worthless to pay someone to help our child sleep.

I’ve barely been sleeping. In the last 2 weeks there has been 2 nights I’ve gotten to sleep in my own bed. I’m exhausted. Beyond exhausted. I’m at my wits end. She needs to sleep in her crib again and nothing I’m doing is helping her.