How much does your baby eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Haily • Engaged • 22 • Happy Mama Son 7.29.18💙 Son 2.23.22💛

Lately I’ve been giving him a jar of baby fruits or veggies for lunch and 4 table spoons of baby oatmeal for dinner.

He refuses to wake up anytime before 12 pm. But he stays up until 12 am. It’s just how our schedule works.

Should I be feeding him more? I EBF so I just feed on demand but I would guess he nurses about 8-10 times a day.

How many meals does your LO get? What do the meals consist of?

Thanks mamas!

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Posted at
My son only has 1 meal of solids per day at this point. Usually 2-5 spoonfuls of a veggie. He’s been eating solids for 3 weeks now.


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Our son eats 2-4 oz of solids a day and 32 oz (4 8oz bottles) of breast milk a day.


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I give my LO 2oz of baby food three times a day along with a 4 oz bottle. When he wakes up and before bed I give five a 6oz bottle with 2tbsp of rice cereal in it. Then 2 oz of apple juice in between feedings if he gets fussy. And just recently I have given him some puffs.


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My boy has a small meal of fruits or veggies for dinner. The rest of the day just breast milk.


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My babe has his morning bottle ( he only drinks 4 oz for breakfast lol ) then about an hour later we do about 3 small baby spoons of Greek yogurt with a bit of fruit I’ll say one spoon of fruit purée ) ( I always offer bottle first ) we started organic oatmeal early at 2.5 months cause of reflux so we had a bit of a head start per doctors orders since meds alone don’t do the trick. I won’t add in every other bottle but he has 6 oz and then had lunch which is usually some veggies , with a few puffs. Dinner he has his bottle 6 oz and eats what I eat if he can’t then usually some homemade purées I made for him. And he has a bigger dinner bigger breakfast and a smaller lunch


Natasha • Jan 16, 2019
To add on he is 6 months and 4 days old


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We do about 3tbs of avacado or green beans every other day. And her solids do not replace a milk feeding. We nurse first and then shell eat solids. Only time I gave her blueberries is when shes a little constipated.


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My baby is six months, per her pediatrician she started baby cereal at 4months & she can now have stage one baby foods (started at 5months) she can have 2oz twice a day. I usually give her fruit in the morning and veggies in the evening sometimes if she’s extra hungry she gets cereal & fruit for breakfast and OfCourse she’s still on her bottles. Her pediatrician said she can eat as much as she’d like as long as she’s not getting sick. She’s perfectly healthy, weight is on point and everything. Every baby is different, this is what works for us 🤷🏼‍♀️


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That's quite a lot for this age. With my first we did a few spoonfulls around mid day. I didn't start doing twice a day until about 8 or 9 months. My July baby isn't ready or interested yet.