Preeclampsia? Anyone been through this


Hello! So Monday I had sharp pains on my top right abdomen. Didn’t think much of it (this was occurring all 8 hour workday) went home where I can show my true feelings.. slept it off and rested for an hour or so. Wake up and more pain, but worse.. I thought should I go to the ER? I didn’t want to feel dumb and it was nothing. Finally at midnight I did.. my high blood pressure was high, (never had that) throughout my pregnancy my hands and feet get so swollen.. I use to get migraines but that was early in my pregnancy. Mind you, I’m 30 weeks today!!! 😍 thankfully. Came to ER said I preeclampsia. Took urine tests for 24 hours.. came back I do. So now, dr is planning on having a csection cause baby is breech.. within this week or this month. I’m pretty nervous. Anyone been through this? I’m not due till March 27. I am so sad cause it’s not my babies fault. I was hoping he would be fully baking in my tummy. my babyshower was in 2 weeks. Now got to make missing work arrangements. So sad but I’m praying and thinking positive.