

I feel like I have been posting so much lately, but I have a lot up in the air as of this week so I thought I'd ask for some advice. I found out Monday that I may have Cholestasis. I'm still waiting on the results of my blood work. If I have it, I'll deliver before 37 weeks. The problem is my husband calls me yesterday from work and tells me they want to send him on a work trip 14 days after little man is here if I have to be delivered early. He only gets 14 days leave for baby and then he would be gone anywhere from a week to a week and a half. My mother and MIL are supposed to be flying out to us to see baby be born, but now I'm like if we only get 14 days together do I really want them here during all of that or will we want our family time? What do you all think? Anyone that has had a baby, did you appreciate the help or did it feel like chaos? I should mention we never have company because we live so far away and we are somewhat private people. Would you ask your family to wait to come out while my husband is gone to help or allow them to come the day he is born and stay until after he leaves? Him leaving is going to be difficult emotionally because we won't have much communication during his trip and I just dk if I want them here for the time leading up to that, but I also already told them they could be here for the birth and we may like the extra help. I'm torn. Any advice would be great before I sit down and have this conversation with my husband. Thank you!