39+5 appointment, barely any progress


Last week I was 1cm and 10% effaced. Today I went in thinking there would be a semi-significant change since I’ve been on birthing ball and drinking RRL tea all week. Nope. Told me I was 1.5cm dialated. LOLLLLL 😫 but at least I’m 40% effaced now which is a good sign? She did a sweep on me so hopefully that does something.

I went to eat with my MIL afterwards and our waitress said to me “idk why but I can just tell things are gonna happen really fast for you, your labor will go by really quickly” I was like shieeet hopefully lol cause at this rate I’m just waiting for something to happen.

My next appointment is on the 22nd and dr said we can do another sweep then. Actual due date is on the 18th tho. Hopefully I’ll go into labor this week or within the next couple days and won’t have to go in on the 22nd.

Fingers crossed!! Really don’t want to get induced, as I was planning for an all natural birth.