Need some encouragement


Had an appointment with my ob/gyn today. My midwife that I’ve seen for years retired last year so this is a new doc for me. Been trying unsuccessfully for a baby with my new husband since June. I have 2 kids from previous marriage. He has none. I made an appointment today and I just feel like it was a waste. She did draw and AMH but states that’s all she would do until my husband had a sperm analysis. I tried to talk to her about my cycles as they’ve been anywhere between 30-40 days. She said well you are having periods so I’m not concerned- well I am. They’ve never been irregular in my life until I stopped birth control in June. She said based off of my chart I ovulated for sure last month and looks like I may have this month so she’s not worried. Well what if one or both of my tubes are blocked? She said I’ve had kids before so she’s not concerned the problems me. I asked my husband a few months ago if he’d get a SA done and he said absolutely not. Stubborn pride , I haven’t talked to him yet. My chart last month was so clear and perfect and this month I have this. What do you guys think?