Hoping for the best 😟


Ok so I have my ultrasound appointment in 12 days I will be 12week and 6 days by then I’m very nervous to go so I had bleeding on December 27 like a lot of bleeding so I went to the er was there for 7 hours finally got ultrasound after almost three hours of being there baby was fine I was 8 weeks 3 days at the time heartbeat beat was 183 well by the time I left the hospital the bleeding stopped they told me to follow up with obgyn so I did on December 31 and I was thinking they would give me a ultrasound to double check to see if everything was ok but they didn’t and doctor said it was too soon to hear babies heartbeat on Doppler so with no reassurances she told me to make a appointment for 4 weeks for appointment and ultrasound so now I’m a 11week 1 day have not had no bleeding since the er trip but I’m so worried 😟 by the time I go for my appointment it will be 32 days since I knew how my baby was so stressed out