I want a baby

I’m 21, my partner is 26 we have been together a few years and have our own place.

We have spoken about having kids in the future, we have even agree’d on a boy name.

For the last few months I’ve been very disappointed when my period has shown up. We are avoiding pregnancy via pull out method (96% effective if done properly which we always do)

We have spoke about chances and both acknowledge it isn’t the most reliable form of birth control.

I asked him the other day “would a part of you be happy if I accidentally became pregnant?”

He said not really he doesn’t want a kid just now but a small part of him would be happy. I said same.

The only thing holding me back from REALLY wanting a child is finances. We would get by but I wouldn’t want to just “get by” I would want the best life possible for my child.

I’ve always been very broody and maternal but even more so now, I think I am mentally and emotionally ready for a child.