Can being overweight and drinking a lot of water affect fundal height?

Sarah • Canadian 🇨🇦 married 4 years, Benjamin Mark born 04/04/2019 Lost Charlotte at 24 weeks to stillbirth on 02/06/21 👼 Currently expecting 🌈 baby May 2022

So I haven’t gained even a pound in the last 8 weeks, my appetite has been brutal and I know I’m eating less then 2000 calories a day. I can’t shove any more in, I feel so full and get terrible heartburn when I eat I just can’t manage to eat more.

My OB says he isn’t too worried because I’m measuring a week ahead, but he’s still sending me for an ultrasound to check on size of baby. But it’s a week away! It’s going to feel forever to wait lol

Anyways, before I got pregnant my BMI was 31, and I drink a tun or water every day (between 4-5 litres probably). Could that affect my fundal height? A friend of me told me that being overweight can make me measure ahead. And I’ve read drinking lots of water can make you have more amniotic fluid and cause you to measure ahead.

And since I was measuring 31 weeks at 30 weeks 2 days I’m worried the baby might still be small 😕

Has anyone measured ahead and then ended up having a small baby?