Had a scary moment today

Kourtny • 28 - married - C.R.G ❤️ Born 4.4.19

Just needed to get this off my chest because my husband has been a nervous wreck and I’ve stayed relatively calm for the both of us...

I teach little kids. Today I was sitting in one of their seats talking to a kid. When I stood up the chair was wet with a streak of liquid that was very clearly from me as it wasn’t wet when I sat down. I went to the bathroom and saw my underwear was wet but I didn’t pee myself - I would have felt that. I asked my sister what it could have been as this is my first pregnancy and she said call the dr to make sure I wasn’t leaking amniotic fluid or that my mucus plus wasn’t coming out. That call to the dr turned into a couple hours at labor and delivery to monitor the baby and I and test the fluid that was there. Thankfully the tests came back negative for amniotic fluid and my cervix was not open so it wasn’t the plug. We did get to listen to our little boy wiggle around and move as they strapped two fetal heart monitors to me. It was a very nerve wracking day since I’m 28 weeks and I was so worried he was coming too early.