He’s missing out on the greatest kid ever..


When my son was 6 months old my sons dad decided he “wasn’t ready for a family or to be coming home every night” found out he had another whole apt with his brother was paying rent in all , probably was cheating and kept me and baby s secret from everyone.. still now none of his family know about our son and I wasn’t ever introduced to any either. I got pregnant 2 months after being with him he told me everyday he wanted a baby so bad, and now it happened he turns his back doesn’t pay me any money says he’s broke not working but has his hair braided and face shaved at barbers new shoes etc, also been on multiple vacations that’s had money all this shit is money but I don’t get a dime and he call me up asking to spend the night because it’s “too loud” at his place he stays lol... like tf I look like letting my pos cheating ex bf come stay at my house.. but whats worse of all is that he uses my son as an excuse says he wants to see him but everyday this week I told him to come (he lives 20 mins away) and he always says he will come but he never does he was suposed to be here tonight and said he can’t he got busy, why the fuck isn’t our son important why is his friends and bitchs he tucks more important .. how can someone go months without seeing their kid... I can’t go one night without my son, he’s everything to me and it’s sad that my son gets to have a life with s shitty father... and before someone says child support I will never beg a man to be a father to their son and also he doesn’t have papers, because I loved him it didn’t matter.. but now this is what I deal with... he will call me and ask about my personal life asking me to swear on my child that I don’t sleep with my roommate all kinds of crap why he won’t just go away from our lives if he don’t want to be there that much... wouldn’t it be so much easier instead of having to make my life miserable and pretend like he cares about our child...he never posted one picture of our child his blood son but continue los to post pictures of his 3 year old son who isn’t his (found out last year) .. why is this my life