
Alicia • Wife Mother of twins

So mean and my husband haven't been trying for that long. (Not what the rant is about) but I know as soon as we do get pregnant and tell our families my husbands mom is going to be so super excited but not for the right reasons. We moved halfway across the country because of the military and when she came up here last time she refused to stay at our house. Because 'it wasn't what I pictured.' When they where leaving she looked at me and said "your house is a wreck and if y'all had kids I would call CPS and I would raise them." The reason she said this is because our house " smells like animals and piss" I vacuum and shampoo the carpets regularly. All our animals get baths regularly. I have 5 scented wax warmers all going with the same scent. The couch is regularly vacuumed and deodorized. My house is most of the time SPOTLESS. yeah of course there's going to be the one dish still in the sink. But I try really hard to keep a clean house. And it lead to a huge fight. And I was the bigger person after this fight and I apologized for my part. Even after she called me a couple few choice words to my husband. She's the kind of person that would show up to the baby shower/ birth and make it all about her instead of the child. She will try to be in the room for the birth. She's told me she's going to be there. And honestly I just want it to be me and my husband just us. Everyone can come in afterwards of Course. but I definitely don't want my family or his seeing my lady bits or me shitting myself.. me and my mil usually get along great as long as she isn't at our house. If we go visit them everything is fine! Me and her are like best friends. But as soon as she's at our house it's all out war. She is bipolar and is on meds and I know she wasn't on meds when she was here last but she was on meds before when she came to our house. Idk I'm just not at all excited about telling her. Because of what she's already said.