Dream vacay

My cycle was pretty irregular coming off birth control. I started taking Ovaboost and Fertilaid and I consistently had 34 day cycles. Finally. I have a trip coming up at the end of February to my absolute DREAM destination of Bora Bora. Weve been ttc for 20 months and decided to do something for us and go somewhere weve always wanted. About 3-4 months ago I noticed my fertile week was going to fall right before we left and expected period to come the day we got home, but was going to bring some pregnancy tests juuuust in case. Now out of nowhere last month my cycle was shorter and now this month too, pushing my next cycle up. If I dont get pregnant next month, I'll have my period our whole vacation 😫😫😫 whyyyyy. Fingers crossed for a bfp right before we leave and we can celebrate on vacation!