After everything

Alicia • 23 • Michigan • taken 💞

I know people come on here for advice, and I have too. I also know a lot of you have seen my last 4 posts and have had some questions, asking if I can even call it a relationship because I don’t know his address, and don’t know his friends or family. Yes we’ve only been dating for a few weeks. We hadn’t gotten to that point yet. He did have his location on, so I knew like where he lived but I didn’t have his address and I didn’t think I needed it because I still can’t drive. On New Years he got really shit faced and couldnt type so he handed his phone to his friend. I mentioned that and I got questioned on how I didn’t have any of his friends contact info. It’s cuz his friend took his phone and texted me off his phone. We’ve only met up twice, but both times just brought us closer together and it’s one of those instances where we got close fast. I don’t know if he’s ghosting me, he could be. But honestly he hasn’t deleted me off Snapchat, he hasn’t gone on Snapchat at all. I don’t see why he’d delete the entire app just to ghost me. I do now know where he works, but I think it’d be weird for me to call and I’ve had some of my friends tell me it isn’t a good idea. However I looked him up and did find his Facebook. Why didn’t I have his Facebook? I never asked. Hadn’t gotten around to it. I did ask about Instagram but he doesn’t use it. He is a very sweet guy, I know where he went to school and where he works. But yeah.. I don’t know honestly. I messaged him on Facebook and the little circle isn’t filled in meaning he’s not on his fb or hasn’t accepted my chat. I also messaged his sister but same thing with her. I’m a little restless but I’m actually handling this ok. Cuz I honestly think something happened to his phone. That being said he has Skype on his computer or could have someone message me for him. I honestly don’t know what’s going on and I hope to find out soon. Thanks for all the advice, and feedback. I know I’m young and this relationship is new but I trust him and don’t believe he’d ghost me. That being said, I could be wrong. I hope I’m not. I just hope his sister responds soon, I’d feel better if I just knew what was happening. I don’t expect everyone to understand