Fear of death


Alright not sure if it’s just me or if any of you other ladies have this happening or happened?

Lately it seems like I’m consumed with the fear of death! Ever since having my beautiful daughter in September (she was a month early and spent almost a month in the NICU) I’ve had this overwhelming fear of death? I think about all the things that could have gone wrong with Brooke’s birth for both her and I... I worry about the fact that one day I’m going to leave and she’ll be here and I won’t get to watch her grow.

Then I think about my own mom and how she one day won’t be here anymore. I worry about what it something happens to my husband and I have to do this alone! What if’s just run through my head but I don’t know why!! We are all healthy we have an amazing life!

From what I’ve read it might be postpartum panic/anxiety disorder, different from depression. I don’t have a lack of interest in my baby it’s the exact opposite that I love her so much that it hurts so deeply to even think about all the horrible things in this world that can ruin it or threaten it....

Has anyone else dealt with this sort of thing? What did you do that helped? I am not sure if it will pass and is normal or if I should possibly speak with a Dr. about medications to help with the anxiety?

Below is a picture of my beautiful girl Brooke