Relationships suffering during pregnancy


If you have an experience with a great relationship taking a turn for the worse during your pregnancy and you weren't sure you were going to make it to the other side but somehow pulled thru and it got better - I'd love to hear from you, bc this is exactly what is happening to me and I need some hope that things will get better :( I'm 7months pregnant and my relationship with my husband has really taken a toll with my hormones, a lack of sex and intimacy due to health complications, and a ton of stress from our life in general.

I feel like I'm emotional as heck and he's not being understanding. He says I just like to play the victim and that I'm all about double standards these days. Its a wreck:( I'm sure it is just hormones but what in the world do I do?? I even said the word divorce yesterday and I might have meant it.....bc if he's going to be so hard headed and not there for me right now of all times, what's the point of sticking around??

"If you can't love me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best" or however that saying goes. Right?? :(